
Penge- og realkreditinstitutter
Statistisk materiale 1997

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Bilag 2. (Attachment 2)

Engelsk oversættelse til forspalte for årsregnskaberne for banker, sparekasser og andelskasser på koncernbasis

(English Translation of the Text Column concerning the Annual Reports of Commercial Banks, Savings Banks and Credit Cooperatives on a group basis)

Profit and Loss account
1.1 Interest on claims on credit institutions, etc.
1.2 Interest on loans and advances, etc.
1.3 Interest on bonds, etc.
1.4 Other interest receivable, etc.
1. Interest receivable, etc., total
2.1 Interest to credit institutions
2.2 Interest on deposits, etc.
2.3 Interest on issued bonds, etc.
2.4 Interest on subordinated capital investments and guarantee capital, etc.
2.5 Other interest payable, etc.
2. Interest payable, etc., total
A. Net income from interest
3.1 Dividend on shares, etc.
3.2 Dividend on holdings in associated enterprises and other significant holdings
3.3 Dividend on holdings in affiliated enterprises
3. Dividend on shares, etc., and other holdings, total
4.1 Guarantee commission
4.2 Charges and other commissions receivable, etc.
4. Charges and commissions receivable, etc., total
5. Charges and commissions payable
B. Net income from interest and charges
6.1 Price adjustment of bonds, etc. (+/-)
6.2 Price adjustment of shares, etc. (+/-)
6.3 Price adjustment of mortgage deeds, etc. (+/-)
6.4 Exchange-rate adjustment of foreign currency (+/-)
6.5 Price adjustment of derivatives, etc. (+/-)
6.6 Adjustment relating to pension pools (+/-)
6. Price adjustments of securities, etc. and exchange-rate adjustments of foreign currency (+/-)
7. Other ordinary income
C. Profit/loss on financial items
8.1 Salaries and remuneration of Board of Directors, Board of Managers and Board of Representatives
8.2 Staff costs
8.3 Other administrative expenses
8. Staff costs, etc., and administrative expenses, total
9. Depreciation of intangible and tangible assets, total
10. Other operating charges
11. Depreciation and provisions for loss on bad debts (net)
12.1 Price adjustment of holdings in associated enterprises and other significant holdings (+/-)
12.2 Price adjustment of holdings in affiliated enterprises (+/-)
12. Price adjustments of holdings in associated and affiliated enterprises as well as other significant holdings, total (+/-)
D. Profit/loss on ordinary activities
13. Extraordinary income
14. Extraordinary charges
E. Profit/loss before tax
15.1 Estimated tax on the year's income
15.2 Deferred tax (timing differences)
15.3 Adjustment of tax calculated in prior years (+/-)
15. Tax, total
F. Profit/loss for the financial year
Profit/loss for the financial year
(of this dividends)
Balance Sheet:
1. Cash in hand and claims at call on central banks, etc.
2. Treasury bills and other bills eligible for refinancing with central banks
3.1 Claims at notice on central banks
3.2 Claims on other credit institutions
3. Claims on credit institutions, etc., total
4. Loans and advances
5. Bonds, etc.
6. Shares, etc.
7. Holdings in associated enterprises and other significant holdings
8. Holdings in affiliated enterprises
9.1 Goodwill
9.2 Other intangible assets
9. Intangible assets, total
10.1 Land and buildings
10.2 Machinery, equipment, etc.
10. Tangible assets, total
11. Own holdings
12. Other assets
13. Prepayments and accrued income
Assets/liabilities, total
1. Debt to credit institutions
2. Deposits
3. Issued bonds, etc.
4. Other liabilities
5. Accruals and deferred income
6. Provisions for liabilities and charges
7. Subordinated capital investments
8.1 Share capital/cooperative capital/guarantee capital
8.2 Share premium account
8.3 Reserves
8.4 Revaluation reserves
8.5 Profit or loss brought forward
8.6 Difference in connection with consolidation
8. Own funds, total
1. Guarantees, etc.
2. Other commitments
Off-ballance-sheet items, total
Solvency ratio

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Udgivet af Finanstilsynet september 1998
Elektronisk version ved Net Bureauet